We Make Businesses Better!

Payment Processing

Acceptance of credit cards, ACH. eChecks and Crypto.  


Cloud-based POS and billing solutions.

Low Risk Processing

Doctor's offices, restaurants and retail merchants.  

Cash Discounting

Eliminate ALL processing fees and keep more or your money.

Azura Payments

We're your payment consultant first and payment processor second.

Let us evaluate your current business processing solution, our experts can review your pricing and systems, inform you on how you can save or improve your payment acceptance and if we are unable to help, point you in the right direction for someone who can. We review your vulnerability to fraud, assist you in keeping your chargebacks in check and protect sensitive information obtained from customers.  No matter where your payment need, Azura Payments has your best interests at heart.  

Merchant Accounts for new and existing businesses. 


Azura Payments provides merchant services to retailers and e-commerce companies,   We shine in many ways including:

  • Easy electronic application and sign up process.

  • State of the art software, technology and POS equipment.

  • Competitive pricing

  • Connect globally 450+ local and alternative payment methods in over 150 currencies

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Our banks approve merchants including:


Merchants in the travel and hospitality space. Let's make travel business boom again!  

nutra Payment Processing

Stability on the back-end, while you provide great service on the front.  You'll love working with us.


First-Party, third-Party, charged-off and debt buyers.  

Explore our "No-Fee" Model

Firearms and Ammo

2020 saw record sales in the firearms industry.  Allow us to support your payments needs for a record 2023.


State-licensed parlors, casinos and quick play locations are supported.


Real estate, business, leadership and educational.  We'll coach you on how to accept payments for your business. 

Car Dealerships

Our banks want your business!

Increase your ROI!

Non-Profit and Donations

Easily set up recurring donations and/or tithing.  


Auto, short-term or loans, use our solutions to collect your money.  

POS and Mobile Terminal Solutions

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